
What to expect on a typical Sunday morning

Before Worship Meeting:

Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to allow for parking and introductions. Most people park on
the east (right) side of the building and enter through the garden gate. Proceed up a few steps
into the side door of Voices. If you need a ramp, then park on the west (left) side of the building, proceed up the ramp to the locked door, and knock loudly. One of our attenders will assist you.

You will find chairs arranged in a circle. Choose a seat and introduce yourself. On most
Sundays there are 4 to 10 people attending. There are brochures on the central table which
give more information about Quakerism and unprogrammed worship. Feel free to take one.
There is also a guest book which you may sign if you decide you would like ongoing contact
with Napa Friends Meeting.

During Worship Meeting:

The Clerk calls the Meeting into silence at 10 a.m. Once we settle into quiet, meditative
worship, anyone present may be called to vocal ministry. The speaker is inspired to share a
brief, succinct thought or feeling—not a pre-planned lecture or debate. Folks are encouraged to speak clearly and loudly if they are moved to vocal ministry. The other attenders should listen with an open heart and leave a period of silence before any further vocal sharing.

After Worship Meeting:

The Clerk will signal when 45 minutes of silent worship are complete. She will lead
introductions and will then invite worshipers to share afterthoughts—reflections on the
meditation experience which were significant, but not suitable for vocal ministry during worship. Once all afterthoughts have been shared, the Clerk will make and ask for announcements relevant to Quaker faith and practice.

Once a month, attenders will be invited to stay for Seekers, an adult education and discussion
hour, or for a pot-luck social. Newcomers are welcome to participate in these extended
activities, but there is no obligation to stay.


If you would like to bring children to our Quaker Meeting, please contact our Clerk via telephone or e-mail in advance to discuss the children’s needs. We provide activities and supervision for children, but we need time to organize coverage and programming. Currently, we have one child who attends Meeting periodically, but we do not have an ongoing, weekly First Day School class.


There are two Sundays per year when the Napa Friends do not meet at Voices: a December
Sunday near Christmas when we gather at a Friend’s home and a summer Sunday when we
gather outdoors for a half-day retreat. Newcomers are welcome at these special events. We
leave a sign at Voices explaining our absence on these two Sundays.